Sunflower Souls Affirmation Cards


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I have created a set of 35 beautiful and inspirational affirmation cards for children and adults.

Enjoy the energy that these cards bring to you and use them as part of your daily practice.



Affirmations are positive statements that resonate with your energy to bring about positive change. They challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts. They help to purify our thoughts in order to manifest that which we are needing. For example to bring in more confidence you could affirm, “I believe in whatever I put my mind to” or a shorter one could be simply “I’ve got this!”

You can create affirmations for yourself using words that you feel resonate with you. The idea is that each statement you create you can fully own your choice of words as it’s your energy that creates them.

Affirmations are about making choices towards positivity to create what you want in your life rather than what you don’t want. The saying is: “Energy goes where attention flows.”