Divine Beings Of Love

Suzi Lily

Facilitator for New Earth Healing for Children

Hello I’m Suzi Lily and a warm welcome to Divine Beings of Love!

I am a Divine Sovereign Being and a Facilitator for New Earth Healing for Children.

My passion is working with children and their parents/guardians to bring forward the knowledge and wisdom children have for their soul mission and purpose in this lifetime.

About Suzi Lily

I’ve worked as an Early Years Practitioner within a mainstream nursery setting with children from 6 weeks to 5 years old. This included being a key person to a number of children involving their care, well-being and development and maintaining close contact and support with their families.

I have worked closely with children diagnosed under the Autism Spectrum and their families and have trained in Makaton as a language tool to assist children of all abilities. (See note at foot of the page for an explanation of Makaton)

However, there is so much more to a child’s learning than just the academic side; they have an inner-knowing, a deep understanding and are highly intuitive.

There is much we can learn from them.

This is where I began to look at working with children from an holistic perspective and to discover how they can best shine their inner light into the world for their highest purpose.

Crystal and sound healing are part of my work as these assist to align the chakra system within and around our bodies bringing us back to a gentle but powerful energy of love, wholeness and calm. I also work with Power and Totem Animals that bring guidance within a child’s life to help them with particular issues or just to provide the love, comfort and strength they may need.

Through A Child’s Eyes

Children are our beautiful miracles and they hold such amazing spiritual gifts.

They are the pioneers of New Earth and hold the keys and knowledge for this.

They may need assistance to bring this into fruition and this is where you as parents and guardians, together with my skills and soul wisdom, can assist to align your child for their soul mission and purpose on Earth.

You will learn through their Higher Self what gifts and abilities they have and be able to support them in the best way possible.

What You Will Receive From Me

​I work in an informal way to ensure that you and your child feel as comfortable as possible. I hold a safe and protected space during each session so that you and they are Divinely guided and protected at the highest level.

My work is also Divinely guided by the New Earth Cosmic Unicorn Realm, Ascended Masters, Archangels and the Elemental Realm of Spirit Animal Guides, and the Dolphins, Whales and Orca Elders known as the Cetaceans.

These beautiful and powerful Beings Of Light are here to assist myself, children and their families to bring forward soul gifts, messages, guidance and Divine Intelligence all overlighted by Divine Love, Wisdom and Sovereignty.

I very much look forward to connecting with you and your child to begin this powerful journey.

With love and deep gratitude 🙏🏼💖

Explanation of Makaton

Makaton is a unique but highly interactive communication tool for children and adults. It is a way to support speech especially with communication and learning difficulties, issues with cleft lip and palate, verbal dyspraxia, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down’s Syndrome and where English is an additional language.

Makaton uses speech together with easy to learn physical signs that assist with connecting the visual aspect of the word and the sound of the word together. Not every word needs to be signed so for example, if we say the phrase “Are you going home?” you only need to sign the words for “you” and “home” because you will be verbalising the whole question.

There are 3 aspects to the Makaton language tool:

  1. The symbol of the word
  2. The image showing how to sign the word
  3. The physical signing and verbalisation of the word

Sometimes children and adults are unable or don’t wish to do the physical sign so this is where the symbol comes in so that they understand the word being expressed.

Makaton is used in many mainstream educational settings but also as part of additional communication support within families, peer groups and therapy sessions and it’s a very successful, easy and fun way to assist communication.