Divine Beings Of Love

Suzi Lily

Facilitator for New Earth Healing for Children

Lemurian Star Nation Healing

Welcome to my Lemurian Star Nation Healing page.

Who are the Lemurians?

Modern day Lemuria is where Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. Although we don’t refer to it as Lemuria in modern geography Lemuria and its ancient wisdom and knowledge still exists.

Lemuria is 5th dimensional and the Lemurians came to Planet Earth to seed their beautiful language of love and light throughout humanity. They showed that this is the way to love, peace, harmony, joy, bliss and all those higher emotions that connect heart to heart. They also seeded the Akashic Record on Earth so that humanity could access this beautiful and cosmic library for lifetimes once lived and insights to their Divine Blueprint for now and what is to come,

Lemuria didn’t just have humanity living on it but also Divine Cosmic Beings…Unicorns, Dolphins, Whales, Orca Elders, Dragons and all sorts of other Elemental Beings. It’s these Beings that I connect with to share with you what they’re here to bring back to us.

How did Atlantis and Lemuria connect?

The Atlanteans had their own home planet but unfortunately that was destroyed so they were looking for a new home and discovered Earth where they joined with the Lemurians. The Lemurians held the ancient knowledge, wisdom and practices but the Atlanteans weren’t as advanced and held only the ancient knowledge. These differences created tension and sadly these 2 civilisations weren’t able to work together. Their differences caused earthquakes, volcanoes and unsettled times. The Lemurians became nervous so they left and went into various places on Earth such as Mount Shasta and also they became the dolphins, whales and orca elders of the oceans. Earth then became a very different place.

What happened to Earth?

Due to what became known as the Atlantean Cataclysm, Earth dropped from the beautiful vibrations of the 5th dimension to the denser 3rd dimension. Our planet was then open to lower races looking to take over and control Earth. This has been the case until 2022 when humanity and the benevolent star nations around the Universe came together to begin to raise the consciousness to lift Earth back up to the 5th dimension and returning Divine and Cosmic portals, the Cosmic White Flame, the ancient knowledge, wisdom and humanity to a heart-based life via the New Earth Divine Sovereign Grid (anchored Winter Solstice 2021). As of the Summer Solstice 2022 the Cosmic White Flame was returned and anchored back onto Earth. The Divine Sovereign Grid has returned the ley lines of Earth back to spirals of cosmic white roses.

Planetary Ascension

This is the 13th attempt to ascend Earth back to the 5th dimension and there are also 13 Universes all ascending including our one. This is bringing us into the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Love, Divinity, Heart-Based Living, Service to Others, Connection, Togetherness.

Connect to my Star Nations Healing Facebook Page

I have had many lifetimes in Lemuria and I was a High Priestess in those times too.

I have created this Facebook page so I can share with you the beautiful ancient knowledge, wisdom and practices of Lemuria.

Please click on the button link to join my page and be a part of this beautiful and powerful community.

Higher Self - Lemurian