Waking Up With Nature


WAKEY WAKEY RISE AND SHINE as we Spring into March and nature begins once again to display her beautiful colours to us all. All colours are significant and carry meaning. You can look up those for yourself as the colours you’re drawn to will have significance to you.


The flowers are starting to bloom…the sunshine yellow of the daffodils, the pinks of the cherry blossom, the purple, yellow, lilac and white of the crocuses, the white and pale pinks of jasmine, the rainbow colours of the hyacinths and the green, white, pink and plum of the hellebores. It’s so wonderful to see the variations of green within the trees too.


The butterflies and flower bees begin to stir and start to get busy as the days become warmer. We have the rabbits and of course the March hares bouncing into action.


We also have some significant dates within March with the following celebrations…


01…St David’s Day

10…Mother’s Day / New Moon in Pisces

17…St Patrick’s Day

20…Ostara the celebration of Equinox and fertility

25…the Hindu colour festival of Holi / Full Worm Lunar Eclipse in Libra


So have the biggest stretch, place your feet on the ground, go for a walk and wake yourself up with nature!