Divine Beings Of Love
Suzi Lily
Facilitator for New Earth Healing for Children
Crystal and Chakra Healing for Children
What are crystals?
Crystals are Earth’s natural gems and amplify energy within the body to assist us with grounding, protection, creativity, emotions, love, communication, spiritual communication and ability, connection with higher sources of energy. They work in conjunction with the chakras too to assist in healing the body, removing blocks from the body to allow it to heal.
What are chakras?
The word Chakra is a Sanskrit name meaning “wheels of energy”. Within the New Earth frequency these wheels are now spirals of energy which connect to each other within the body and connect your body to the centre of the Earth and also to the centre of the Universe as anchor points.
How do crystals assist children?
They work in conjunction with the chakras (the energy spirals within the body) to assist a child with their emotions, any anxieties, aid communication and generally lift their energy in their body to be in balance with the world around them.
Children are like little open books; they are a wealth of love, knowledge, intrigue, mystery, otherworldly experiences even if they aren’t able to verbalise this. They hold so much for the future of our planet; they’re the pioneers, the Starseeds and the holders of the New Earth light codes.
With all these amazing qualities it’s important that we know how to protect our children and one of those ways is with crystals. So I’ve created New Earth Frequency Crystals For Children. They are all hand-picked by me, cleansed, charged with Universal Love, a Trine Wave of Protection with Lord Sananda, Mother Mary and Lady Nada, White Flame frequencies, New Earth Diamond Light frequencies, New Earth Cosmic Unicorn frequencies and Divine Mother/Father Arc energies.
How can crystal healing help your child?

I have also created a poster as a reference tool so when you receive your crystals for your child you understand how each one works, where it connects on their body and how it helps. Included are a series of affirmations that link the meaning of each chakra and crystal together. Your child can either say this affirmation or you can say this to your child. Either way the energy is in flow.
The poster can be purchased in my Shop
Where do you place the crystals within a child’s room?
It depends on the age of the child. If they’re very young then placing them in their bedroom, under their cot, at the foot of their pram or even in a bag under the pram. For older children they can have them in their own bag, under their pillow (amethyst is a good one to be placed here), in a coat pocket.
New Earth Frequency Crystals Collection for Children
With all these amazing qualities our children have it’s important that we know how to protect them and one of those ways is with crystals. So I’ve created New Earth Frequency Crystals Collection for Children.
They are all hand-picked by me, cleansed, charged with Universal Love, a Trine Wave of Protection with Lord Sananda, Mother Mary and Lady Nada, White Flame frequencies, New Earth Diamond Light frequencies, New Earth Cosmic Unicorn frequencies and Divine Mother/Father Arc energies.
In this collection there are the following:
- Clear Quartz – the Master Crystal, amplifies the energy of all other crystals, excellent for concentration, enabling a child to focus and think clearly. It clears and balances all chakras, clears any stagnant energy and opens a child to higher Universal guidance.
- Moonstone – a milky white stone for new beginnings, connects a child to the Divine Feminine, has a gentle, nurturing vibration. It enhances patience and improves emotional regulation. It promotes sensitivity and empathy, and can also enhance intuition.
- Amethyst – a protection crystal, great for placing in a child’s room to protect them in the dreamtime, promotes inner peace, calmness and balance. It awakens the soul and strengthens intuition, helps with compulsive behaviours and brings self-awareness and healing.
- Blue Howlite – enhances communication, calms the mind, reduces anxiety, promotes creativity and emotional expression, good for the brain and nervous system, balances calcium in the body for bones, teeth and tissues.
- Rose Quartz – crystal of self-love, contains feminine, calming and gentle energy, releases emotional blockages and balances emotional health, also helps when changes occur in life.
- Aventurine – the crystal of prosperity, promotes courage, compassion and empathy, reinforces decisiveness, heals and soothes emotions.
- Citrine – the crystal for self-confidence, courage and individuality, joy, abundance, helps to purify toxins, assists digestion, improves the immune system.
- Golden Tiger’s Eye – carries the energies of both the Sun and the Earth so is powerful for grounding and energising, helps a child to step outside their comfort zone to attempt new things, a crystal of empowerment and reduces the need for approval from others.
- Black Tourmaline – a grounding crystal, eliminates negative thought patterns, habits and behaviours, promotes a positive mental attitude, protects against any negative energies, embraces a child to speak their truth without fear.
Crystal Collections and Posters are available now from my Shop