Divine Beings Of Love
Suzi Lily
Facilitator for New Earth Healing for Children
Adult’s Starseed Guidance Reports
As well as the Children’s Starseed Guidance Reports I’m now offering these for adults.
I’m bringing these forward as a beautiful soul approached me as she has an adult son. He has ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and has incredible natal chart connections with her. Those with ASD can struggle to be in a physical body and be within the lower energy frequency of Earth. Many of you out there that are Starseeds, Lightworkers, Wayshowers who may need guidance as to what this means for you in this lifetime on Earth; and also to fully step into your soul mission and purpose and have the tools and guidance to do so.
This is such an amazing time to be on Earth as we are evolving ourselves through our own ascension as well as Earth evolving through her own ascension. This is the 13th attempt to ascend Earth out of the lower 3rd dimensional energy into the higher 5th dimensional energy and beyond. This time it will succeed as the New Earth frequency is now fully anchored into the planet and there are huge changes occurring in, on and around the planet right now as the darker forces are being removed layer by layer to fully awaken those Galactic and Higher Beings whose energy was reversed and who have been held in stasis for so very long.
So some questions for you:
Are you feeling you’re here for a bigger purpose but you’re unsure as to what that may be or how to access this information?
Do you feel different from others and feel you have an “otherworldly” connection? Did you feel different as a child?
Are you drawn to star systems, planetary activity? Do you feel that Earth isn’t your “true home”?
Do you resonate with crystals, divination tools, oracle and tarot cards?
Do you feel that if you had more insight It would assist you in knowing what you are here to do, how you are here to work with the New Earth frequencies and Gaia in her ascension?
A report like this is a fantastic way of finding out this information and more.
They are highly evolved souls who have come to Earth with special gifts and abilities, wisdom and inner-knowing. However once born on Earth they forget who they truly are as they pass through the Veil of Amnesia (which we all do).
The Beautiful Connection
Accessing your Higher Self, the New Earth Cosmic Unicorn Realm and Divine Ascended Beings I can assist you to understand which star system you come from, what mission and purpose you have for this lifetime and how you can use your gifts and abilities in line with your soul pathway, and if there is any other information your Higher Self wishes to share for your highest good.
Your Higher Self will be fully protected throughout this connection with high vibrational energy and Ascended Beings who are here to overlight this work.
Divine Gifts
You will be gifted a Cloak of 144 Colours of Divine Love and Cosmic Armour from the New Earth Cosmic Unicorn King and Queen, Galbrothiar and Galbrossa for your Divine light body protection.
You will receive your connection to your New Earth Star chakra to anchor in the 5th dimensional energies.
Merlin will gift you his cloak of protection.
You will also be given your 5, 6, 7 or 8 pointed star back into your auric field of your light body which will open you up to the gateway of your mission and purpose in this lifetime and will allow the Unicorns to watch over you.
Other gifts may come forward from them within the connection in line with your soul mission and purpose.
What You Receive

A full report with all the questions I asked your Higher Self and the answers given

Further information that will assist you with your spiritual connection and protection of your light body

A photo of the crystal grid I will have running for this connection

Close-up photos of the oracle cards I pull to support the reading so that you can look at the detail in each one

Your Life Path Number based on your date of birth

Time to reflect and ask me questions if you need further guidance after reading the report
All information is held privately and confidentially.
Please use this form to order your Starseed Guidance Report
Price: £44.00