What is Self-Love?

It’s the moment you put yourself at the top of the list. It’s the moment when you say “I need love”. It’s the most important thing you can do for yourself; it’s the inner healing that we all need. No-one else knows us like we know ourselves so let’s put ourselves first.

How do we do this?

It starts from within, it starts from your heart space.

Your heart space is what’s known as Zero Point; the point we come back to when all around us is just a bit too stressful. It’s a point of peace that only we can go to, only we can be within.

The Breath

The best way to begin self-love is with your breath – the life-force within us all.

Take a moment to sit in a quiet comfortable place; it can be inside or outside.
Place one hand on your heart and the other on your stomach.
Just be aware of your breath as it is within this moment – where are you breathing to? Your lungs? Your diaphragm? Or deeper? Wherever that is just be mindful without judgement.

We’re going to do some conscious breathing – an awareness of how we breathe and where in the body we breathe to.

We’re going to do this in a 5/8 breath sequence – breathing in for 5 seconds and breathing out for 8 seconds. Try and breathe deeper into your stomach or even deeper but don’t force the breath. The idea is to do this consciously but in a relaxed state.

Do the 5/8 breathing sequence 3 times over and then see how you feel. If you can do a few more then go ahead. When you feel you’ve done enough then just come back to your normal breathing pattern.

Notice how much clearer your mind feels, how much more relaxed your body feels and how much more focused you are.

This is a very simple exercise that can be done at any time of the day that suits you and just brings you back to yourself.

Please also see my post Inner Love which also talks about breathing and meditation. On this page there’s a slightly different breathing technique together with a guided meditation for you to listen to.

Music and Self-Love

Music and sound are very emotive ways of self-love. Sadly since WWII the frequency of the sounds we hear in mainstream music have been skewed to a 440hz frequency. The frequency of the heart is 432hz.

Therefore the frequency of the mainstream music can create disharmony within us. There are many examples of 432hz music which you can find on media platforms such as YouTube, Spotify etc.