Facing Adversity and Being In Your Truth


Facing Adversity

There are times in our lives where we face adversity whether with family, friends, colleagues..people in all walks of life. Every experience we have in life brings us a lesson and every person we encounter will bring us a lesson. In both cases we may need to go through adversity to learn who we are, what we need to do, what the experience showed us about ourselves and the person/people we encountered, what boundaries we may need to put in place and how we move on from that experience/situation/person.


Your intuition or gut reaction literally comes from your gut, your Solar Plexus right over your stomach area where you feel nerves or excitement and gives a true signal within you if something feels “off” about someone or something. Don’t ignore that! This is your inner or higher self guiding you. Many people feel this and dismiss it and think that things will be ok but we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and our intuition is our spiritual self communicating with our conscious self.


My experience since August 2023 was involving a particular person who is what I now know to be a covert or vulnerable narcissist. At first I was incredulous as to the behaviour and reactions they just didn’t make sense within the situation I was in and currently regarding someone very close to me. I started researching after going through a series of incredibly stressful events and I’m reading exactly what I’d experienced.


What I’d been through was narcissistic abuse and it totally shocked me! Not only had I been through it once I then saw a repetition of this behaviour starting over with me. This was me facing the adversity of someone that would teach me how to dig deep into my inner strength, how to place boundaries to secure myself emotionally and who I can and can’t trust.


01 June is Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day and I’m attaching some info regarding this and what Narcissistic Abuse/Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is.




Being In Your Truth

To be in your truth is to stand in your own authenticity despite what others may think or say about you. Everyone has an opinion about something or someone and none of us can control what they are. If we are living according to how someone else wants us to, we are denying our own truth, we’re not living from our own hearts and we’ll eventually feel unhappy or unfulfilled. Being within our heart space is living our truth. What makes you happy? What brings you joy? What lights you up? Who do you connect with that shares similar interests? These are ways of living in your truth and those who share similar ways will naturally gravitate towards you and not intend you harm.


My experience has resulted in me stating the truth to that person as to what they’re doing to me, digging deep into my inner strength, placing boundaries to the person abusing me and holding those firmly in place and continuing to be in my truth no matter what others think or say. It’s not easy and healing practices may also need to be in place too but it can be done and you can reclaim your truth and know that being in your heart centre is the key to doing this.


Be Bold!

Be Strong!

Be You!