To Be “In Flow” Take a moment to picture a waterfall, a river, a stream and what do you notice? The water is in flow. It never stays in the same place and it never goes back on itself. It’s always in a “now” or present state or just being where it...
The Magical Mystical Energy of Dolphins Have you ever thought that Dolphins can hold powerful, magical, mystical frequencies? During the fall of Atlantis, of which Lemuria was a part of, some of the beings transformed into the mer-people, dolphins, whales and...
Heart Connection Our heart and higher heart are the central points within our body for connection to our own soul. We often talk about the heart in various ways: The heart of the matter The heart of the city Cross your heart Sing your heart out Love...
Facing Adversity and Being In Your Truth Facing Adversity There are times in our lives where we face adversity whether with family, friends, colleagues..people in all walks of life. Every experience we have in life brings us a lesson and every person we...
No May Update Unfortunately due to a family circumstance there will be no May Update. In place of this I send you all my heartfelt and healing love....
Happy (Astrological) New Year! Welcome to another New Year…an astrological one! Prepare to elevate your energy, begin a new project, start a new hobby, live a new dream…you’re in the driving seat! As we are in Aries energy, its ruler being Mars which holds...
This Free Guide will help you to better understand how to tell if their feelings and behaviour fit with them being a Starseed, and how you can learn more about understanding them
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