Divine Beings Of Love
Suzi Lily
Facilitator for New Earth Healing for Children
Conscious Parenting For Sensitive Children
This section is for parents/guardians/carers of children who are sensitive to their surroundings and/or to others. This also connects to my private Facebook group, where I have lots of information, posts, videos and chances for you to meet with others.
This is the link to my private Facebook Group Conscious Parenting for Sensitive Children
In my work as an Early Years Practitioner I cared for children who are sensitive and those that had been diagnosed as Autistic so my understanding of your needs as the primary carer for your child is more than just what is written in any book. It is the child right in front of you who matters the most and the loving, caring and amazing beings they are.
What Is Conscious Parenting?
Let’s start with what it isn’t. It isn’t another one of those “coined phrases” that gets batted about in the community, it isn’t something that only spiritual people do – we can all do this. You don’t even need to be a parent to do it – we can all consciously parent a child whether we’re a family member of that child or not.
Conscious Parenting is about being aware that we’re all connected to every living being, animal, insect, plant, tree and even blade of grass on Earth and that this extends into the entire Universe and beyond. It’s a heart-centred practice of being focused from a place of love rather than a place of ego. Ego is derived from fear and a need for protection which can create a boundary from the parent’s inner fear onto the child. It’s about submitting that ego to soul and allowing love to be at the forefront to allow scope for both parent and child to experience a fulfilling relationship that extends into the closer and wider family, or connections so everyone feels that consciousness and higher level of energy.
It’s about knowing that your child has their own personality and they may have a wealth of knowledge and information to bring to you in ways that you never imagined. It’s important to take the time to talk with your child as there’s much to learn from them as well as for them to learn from you.
It’s about knowing how to ground their energy. Children have a hard time regulating their emotions because there’s so much impacting them from the outside world and so much that they have within them which can all become overwhelming. Usually in times like these a tantrum can result which is the spilling over of emotions that they cannot process. Knowing how to protect their light bodies so these emotions can be expressed and allowed to be released in a loving way without the struggle and raised voices.
It’s about the language and tone that you use with your child – is it respectful, loving, positive, open? Do you use an authoritative tone a lot of the time? Do you ask your child how they feel? Do you give them positive reinforcement? Do you give them time to process the question you asked them? A child on average needs about 10 seconds to understand, process and respond to the question you asked them? This is because the neural pathways are still being connected within their brain. Is your child given the chance and the time to express themselves to you? Do you create space in your life to do this with your child?
It’s about the bedtime routine – the chance for your child to have calm and peace before bedtime. Do you create this or is bedtime a rushed activity? Having soothing music on for a while before they go to bed – 432hz music is good for this and you can find many examples on media platforms such as YouTube, Spotify etc.
Meditation is a lovely way of calming a child and a time for you also to have some calm and peace too. This is also about being consciously aware that children are so busy during the day that it’s only at bedtime when they begin to go back over all they’ve experienced so they either chat away to themselves going over conversations, experiences, what they did that day or they may want to chat to you about it. Factoring in this opportunity will create a more peaceful feeling within your child, their ability to sleep will be a lot easier, their sleep will be a lot more restful and their body will be able to replenish and heal itself too.
I have created New Earth Frequency Crystals For Children which are available for purchase from my Shop – Here
Each white organza bag contains 9 beautiful crystals all hand-picked by me, cleansed cleared and aligned with New Earth frequencies and Cosmic Unicorn frequencies so that your child can be energetically cleansed and protected by Earth’s powerful gems.
New Earth Conscious Parenting within the New Earth higher timeline frequencies brings many more powerful aspects as the energy isn’t just based in the physical between you and your child, it’s also within the higher consciousness of both parent and child, the emotional and mental light bodies so that you as a parent will be able to facilitate these not FOR your child but WITH your child.
The most important aspect of all of these practices is love. Everything is done with love and co-creation with the Godhead energies – the Divine Mother/Father Arc energies or Source Light Divine. The names don’t really matter, it’s the frequency that you’ll be incorporating throughout your bodies and that of your baby’s.
It’ll also incorporate the 144 qualities of Divine Love where joy and bliss are the baseline emotions for each and every Being.
- Pre-conception (including Inner Child Healing, Hieros Gamos/Divine Union)
- Conception (creating that sacred space and bringing your child literally from the stars into the sacred space of your womb)
- Pregnancy (quantum healing of physical symptoms, anxieties surrounding your changing body, consciously connecting with your baby in the womb and also your partner and your growing baby, preparation for birth)
- Birth (conscious birthing of your baby, orgasmic birth, natural rhythms of your body to bring your baby into the New Earth).
It’ll also incorporate the Temple spaces on the Divine Sovereign Grid that’s fully anchored into and around the Earth right now allowing people to undergo their own healing, healing facilitated by others and to be assisted by Divine Beings from many other Star Systems and Universes who have come to be with humanity at this time of great change and creation.
The Grid contains many temples, liquid crystalline light pools containing the cosmic water from within Earth, Cosmic Unicorn Realm, cosmic rainbow waterfalls, the animal kingdom and bird nation, plants and trees, creational spaces and inner sanctums. All of these are accessible through your heart space which is the Cosmic Womb of your Body – the place where all ideas, dreams can be manifested from and birthed into being under Divine Grace. A lot of Cosmic references here but that’s what it is – we are co-creating with the Cosmos!