Divine Beings Of Love

Suzi Lily

Facilitator for New Earth Healing for Children

Healing Your Inner Child

Each of us has an inner child; it’s an aspect of us that holds memories, soul experiences and all the experiences we’ve had as a child within our present lifetime.

From birth to the age of 7 years this is when the trauma experiences can happen to a child; the first is the cutting of the umbilical cord which is called the separation wound.

If our inner child continues to have upsetting experiences for example abandonment, separation, bullying, abuse we then enter dissociation whereby we pretend as if it’s not really happening or we make an excuse for it. 

As we continue to go through this it creates a soul wound or “a fragmentation” in our inner child. This can cause further trauma as we go into our teens and into adulthood as our soul sees any troubles from a childlike perspective from the time this soul fragmentation happened. We then create an abandonment story from them; almost like we’re looking like a lost child and we’re waiting for someone to scoop us up and hug us to make us feel better.

This is where Inner Child Healing is your next step.

It’s where we both work together with your Higher Self (the holder of the Divine Blueprint for your life) to find your missing soul fragments, fill them with unconditional love, New Earth frequency quantum healing, diamond crystalline light codes, crystal therapies to re-parent your inner child and bring them back to wholeness within your heart space; where your soul resides.

We don’t do this alone. I will guide you in meditation within the powerful energies of the New Earth Cosmic Unicorns into their Divine Realm. You will be held within the arms of Divine love and protection at all times through your healing to allow this to unfold as it needs to for you. This is a highly personal experience and you will be held in the utmost respect at all times. When we both feel your healing is complete you will be led in the most loving and powerful ceremony to bring your fully healed inner child back into your heart space and fully at one and at peace with you.

With your inner child healed within you your soul purpose will become clearer, you’ll feel much more aligned with your soul essence and you’ll be holding the Divine codes within your DNA to further your soul learning on this mystery school of Planet Earth.


Each session is conducted on Zoom and will be recorded for you.

Cost: £111 per session payable via PayPal.me/DivineBeingsOfLove

If you wish to have a chat with me regarding this healing then please book a Discovery call.