How many times have you walked past a tree, through a park, across a field and really paid attention to nature?

How many times have you stopped and really listened to the birdsong? Or even identified which birds you’re listening to?

Nature holds so many treasures and gems, and of course health benefits. It’s full of shapes, colours, scents, beauty and danger.

We can use the power of Nature’s healing in our everyday lives and it’s totally free. It’s there in abundance for everyone to enjoy, rest in, discover, pay attention to, run in, lie down in…and so on.

You don’t need a sunny day to enjoy it either, although if it is sunny then allow the solar energy to fill every cell in your body, cleansing, clearing, healing and transmuting any energy that doesn’t need to be there.

Walking in the rain is very refreshing, the smell of the rain and the sight of the raindrops landing on leaves, petals, the ground and on you can bring us into a deeper awareness and connection.

Going to a beach, feeling the sea breeze and spray on your skin, smelling the sea air, sitting on the beach and listening to the waves breaking on the shore and the sound of the pebbles being pulled back into the sea.

Have a walk on a windy day and feel the wind blowing any stagnant energy away from you.

Crunch through the snow, listen to that sound, look at the icicles, see how the snow has fallen on the trees, on the ground, how it collects in drifts. Take a handful of snow and feel the cold tingly sensation on your skin.

If you hear a storm sit and watch the lightning, listen to the thunder crashing and rolling, look at the sky and feel the energy contained in the clouds.

It’s all free and it’s here for us to appreciate as very important aspects of us, our lives and the entire planet. It’s magical!